This blog goes behind the scenes of the songwriting process, from idea inception to promoting the final product.  

New Single

“Cold” is releasing on 7/24/24. This is the first of a string of singles that I've got lined up for release in the coming year. Expect a new one every 8 weeks. This song is about heart break and how…

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It's been a lot longer for me to post an update then usual, I've been very busy with the new songs and also some traveling (post picture is from a recent trip to Los Angeles). One of my new songs…

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My New Studio

Last weekend I started the process of moving my studio space. For the past four years it has been in a “flex” room, where there was an office, kid workroom/art zone and a reading nook. I was thankful to have…

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1/4 Million Streams!

Today I checked the Spotify for Artists page and was surprised to see that so far my two albums have received over 250,000 combined streams! 

It's clear that the new album will blow past the first one before the year's…

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New songs!

My big project for 2024 is underway and going very well. In 2022 I created a ten song album, my first that I released to the world. In 2023 I did it again, but a little bit better. In 2024…

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My Inspiration 

22 years ago today, the world lost one of the greatest musicians and songwriters that it never even knew. Noah Goldman was a kind, artistic soul. He was incredibly talented, especially on the guitar, but also as a drummer, singer…

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In The Studio

So excited to be back in the studio recording new songs! I found out recently that I record songs like Ian Fleming wrote James Bond books - during non-stop sessions where there are no visitors, no TV, no internet, for…

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City and Sand is 1 month old!

It almost feels longer, but the album I released January 8th, hit one month old this week. For anyone interested on how it's going so far, here are the numbers for the first month:

At Spotify:

I only have…

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Music quality is subjective

Quality is subjective, especially in terms of music. It is an event that happens between the listener and the song. The same song sounds terrible to one person, and wonderful to another person. We can agree when there are bad…

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Radio plays!

I'm so excited that the album is being played on a couple dozen radio stations so far. Hopefully that will grow in the next few weeks. The last album got on about 40 stations eventually, but never any in California…

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I'm back! 

My bad. I thought I could keep up with a blog post a week, or at least a month, but it didn't happen. I can't guarantee I'll keep it up this year, but I'm going to try. The problem was…

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Process of creating City and Sand 

I started with beats from session drummer Victor Indrizzo, thinking that they would serve to keep the rhythm and provide a little inspiration, but probably would be removed later. In the past I used drum machines for this, and then…

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Story behind the songs 

At first a couple beats of Victor’s seemed too different then my usual vibe, but I didn’t let that stop me from trying. One beat in particular sounded like disco and seemed like the most obvious to not use, but…

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4: Recording Improv

Ok, so what if you have studio time, but no song ideas yet? I think of that as an opportunity for lightning to strike, and keep an open mind. I start this type of session similarly to a session that…

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3: Recording

Once the song has taken shape, it’s time to start recording. It's okay if the lyrics aren't finished, those can be edited easily later. If your band has a drummer, you are all set and can dive right in. If…

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2: Writing Songs

Once you have the bones of the song, or at least an idea that excites you, it’s time to start fleshing it out. I don’t like using the same formula for each song, or even for most songs, but many…

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1: Inspiration

A good song tells an interesting story, convenes a strong emotion or just makes you want to dance. Some great songs do all three. When you are at the very beginning of starting to write a song and looking for…

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Physical Media

I have a lot of nostalgia for physical copies of albums. I will always remember buying cassettes and pulling out the cover insert and loving it when they included lyrics and details about the band. These were precious glimpses into…

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Music Videos

There is something magical about the way a good music video intertwines the song audio with visual interpretations of that audio to tell a gripping story, or even just present mesmorizing images to go along with it. The music video…

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